Friday, October 17, 2008

Scarecrow Day

Our second grade classes have a tradition of holding a scarecrow day once a year in the fall. I love it! I have made all of the boys costumes. Last night I worked on Castro's outfit. I was so excited for him to wake up today and get all dressed up.

Apparently I was the only one excited that it was Scarecrow Day. Most of the time Castro talks and acts as if he is 40 years old so this whole childish costume thing was too degrading for him. He hated it, do I have to go to school he asked...YES! "Why do we have to dress up like a bunch of stupid scarecrows?" Because it's fun, I answered...."this is not fun!"

He is so different than his older brothers, they loved it.

Needless to say we were late to school today due to a lot of uncooperation. I did manage to snap this picture of my grumpy scarecrow. Enjoy!

PS - Castro says he is not dressing up for Halloween this year because it is stupid and he doesn't want a bunch of candy to rot his teeth! Is this my son? Hello can you say CHOCOLATE and COSTUMES. What more could a young boy want?

1 comment:

MarciaAnne said...

I can totally hear Castro's voice in this conversation. I don't really care too much for the candy at Halloween, unless it is the right kind. But I love the dressing up part. If I could make it happen, I would have at least one day a month where we get to go around in costumes...but I will never be in charge of that. :(

BYU Vocal Point

BYU Vocal Point
August 2008

Summit Champs 2008

Summit Champs 2008
My Big Boys

Wisconsin fun in the sun.

Wisconsin fun in the sun.
Door County


July 2008

First Day of School

First Day of School
Yoda, Noway and Castro 2008

We take our wars seriously!

We take our wars seriously!

Castro is the sniper who hides out in the deer stand.

Castro is the sniper who hides out in the deer stand.

This quote is for the ladies out there...FIND YOUR VOICE!