Friday, October 3, 2008

News Flash: Yoda is now President

Last night Yoda was confirmed the new Deacon's Quorum President. WOW! I feel so proud of him and so old all at once. He is great, a good leader. His Scout teachers say that all the other boys wait until Yoda does it....If he doesn't die they all try it. He has no fear in any sort of way. He was very sad this year that the Bishop did not ask him to give a talk on Scout camp. ( he did not get that from me!) He was the top popcorn salesman for scouts, even getting one guy to donate $100 in front of the local video store. He is a creative salesman I must say. I have to hold him back from participating in every event at the school. Ok so now that I have just painted this wonderful picture of my "perfect" son....Let me just be perfectly clear he is a typical teenage boy. He eats me out of my house. Would rather play on the computer than just about anything else. Has a very sharp tongue at times which his mother may one day cut off. Yoda is sneaky bad, so you think he is good and mostly he is but if he is bad it's hard to catch him. Well last night was just huge for me, realizing how old he was getting. Which in turn made me feel really old. I was impressed with him though watching him in front of the other Deacon's planning activities and leading his peers.... It made me realize that I don't have too much longer with my great boys...Soon they will be off on missions and leading Elder's Quorum. But not yet, thank goodness!

1 comment:

MarciaAnne said...

Congratulations Yoda, luck you will need. I miss all the good news.

BYU Vocal Point

BYU Vocal Point
August 2008

Summit Champs 2008

Summit Champs 2008
My Big Boys

Wisconsin fun in the sun.

Wisconsin fun in the sun.
Door County


July 2008

First Day of School

First Day of School
Yoda, Noway and Castro 2008

We take our wars seriously!

We take our wars seriously!

Castro is the sniper who hides out in the deer stand.

Castro is the sniper who hides out in the deer stand.

This quote is for the ladies out there...FIND YOUR VOICE!