Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mom's Little Choir Boy's

Tonight was the fall concert for 6,7 and 8th grades. It was a great time. It went so well that Yoda and Noway even let me get a picture of them together. MIRACLE! So here are a few from our photo shoot.


Kami said...

Your kids could be models. Let's be honest! I'm so glad that the concert went well. My fam sure loves your fam! The boys are still talking about the pumpkin patch and how great Ezra, Noah and Eli are. I can only hope that my boys turns out 1/2 as compassionate and patient as yours have been for mine! Enjoy your weekend!!! Ciao!

MarciaAnne said...

Those boys are cute, and if they work it right, they could have an awesome time in high school together... Watch out!

BYU Vocal Point

BYU Vocal Point
August 2008

Summit Champs 2008

Summit Champs 2008
My Big Boys

Wisconsin fun in the sun.

Wisconsin fun in the sun.
Door County


July 2008

First Day of School

First Day of School
Yoda, Noway and Castro 2008

We take our wars seriously!

We take our wars seriously!

Castro is the sniper who hides out in the deer stand.

Castro is the sniper who hides out in the deer stand.

This quote is for the ladies out there...FIND YOUR VOICE!